Connecting Disconnected Communities: A Conversation with Guild.XYZ


A conversation between industry leaders Humpty and Hanna from Guild.XYZ, hosted by Ontology, delves into the challenges of Web3 community building and the role of platforms like Guild.XYZ in bridging gaps. Discussions cover Guild.XYZ's evolution, the significance of Guild Pins, Internet native groups, Web3 integration, seamless transition between Web2 and Web3, future trends, and the importance of communication and experimentation. The conversation highlights the value of on-chain data, decentralized social platforms, and the potential of Guild.XYZ in fostering community engagement.

Key Takeaways:

1. Web3 Community Building Challenges: The conversation addresses the hurdles faced in building Web3 communities, including geographical distance and decentralized structures, emphasizing the need for effective communication and collaboration.

2. Role of Guild.XYZ: Guild.XYZ is highlighted as a platform addressing these challenges by facilitating seamless sharing, interaction, and collaboration among communities. It serves as a homepage and token for on-chain communities, promoting automation and interoperability.

3. Evolution of Guild.XYZ: From its alpha stage to its current status, Guild.XYZ has evolved into a versatile platform offering tools for community engagement beyond token gating. It now includes features for civil defense campaigns and analytics.

4. Guild Pins Significance: Guild Pins are discussed as powerful tools for fostering belonging and engagement within communities. They consist of soulbound tokens and NFTs, symbolizing membership and commitment.

5. Internet Native Groups Management: Guild.XYZ empowers Internet-native groups with access management solutions based on the three Rs model: Requirements, Roles, and Rewards. It seamlessly integrates on-chain and off-chain data for effective community collaboration.

6. Web3 Integration: The conversation explores the challenges and opportunities of integrating Web3 principles into social platforms like Guild.XYZ. It emphasizes the importance of full compatibility and security in leveraging blockchain technology.

7. Fluid Transition between Web2 and Web3: Guild.XYZ enables seamless transitions between Web2 and Web3 platforms, preventing fragmentation and maintaining community cohesion. This fluidity ensures data portability and interoperability.

8. Future Trends: Decentralized social platforms like Guild.XYZ are seen as the future of community engagement, leveraging on-chain data and reputation systems to incentivize participation and foster organic growth.

9. Importance of Communication and Experimentation: Regular communication, experimentation, and innovation are crucial for driving community management and embracing emerging trends in the Web3 ecosystem.

Connecting Disconnected Communities: A Conversation with Guild.XYZ

Building communities has become increasingly important in the dynamic Web3 environment for encouraging cooperation and creativity. Communities frequently get disconnected due to factors like geographical distance, experiences of being digital natives, and the decentralized structure of Web3 technologies, which makes it difficult to communicate and collaborate effectively.

During a recent virtual meeting organized by Ontology, Web3 industry leader Humpty discussed with Hanna from Guild.XYZ, a platform that aims to solve these very problems. The organic discussion revealed important details about the complex nature of Web3 community creation and the role that websites like Guild.XYZ play in bridging these gaps.

Humpty's opening remarks set the tone for the discussion, reflecting his excitement at connecting with Hanna and highlighting the significance of their collaboration. As the conversation progressed, Donny, another speaker, shared his observations and pointed out the commitment needed to succeed in the Web3 sphere and the fluidity of community interaction.

Anticipation swirled around the potential participation of Polaris, a globetrotting collaborator known for his diverse contributions to the Web3 discourse. Despite logistical challenges, the group remained optimistic about his eventual inclusion, highlighting the global reach and inclusivity of Web3 communities.

For the full conversation, you can listen to the recording here.

Introducing Guild.XYZ

Hanna seized the opportunity to introduce Guild.XYZ, positioning it as a pioneering platform designed to address the inherent challenges of Web3 community building. She emphasized Guild.XYZ's role as a homepage and token for on-chain communities, offering automation and interoperability across diverse applications.

Guild.XYZ's mission revolves around building full interoperability for communities and facilitating seamless sharing, interaction, and collaboration. By automating token gating and membership management, Guild.XYZ aims to create a cohesive ecosystem that transcends geographical and technological barriers.

Evolution of Guild.XYZ

Humpty began by reminiscing about his initial encounter with Guild.XYZ, noting its evolution from a tool for aggregating communities using tokens to a comprehensive platform offering a broader toolkit for community engagement. He expressed a keen interest in exploring Guild.XYZ's growth trajectory and future projections in the ever-changing Web3 space.

Hanna, drawing from her experiences over the past two years, highlighted the transformative journey of Guild.XYZ from its alpha stage to its current status as a versatile platform for on-chain community management. She emphasized the platform's evolution beyond token gating to encompass a wide range of tools for sibil defense campaigns and analytics.

Reflecting on the changes observed in community management, Hanna identified a notable trend towards decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) as a means of decentralized decision-making. However, she acknowledged the challenges inherent in DAO governance, including issues of token-based voting and the dominance of whales within communities.

Humpty, drawing from his own experiences, shared his insights on the limitations of token governance within DAOs, citing challenges such as the disproportionate influence of large token holders. He expressed interest in exploring alternative means of community coordination beyond token-based systems, highlighting the potential for platforms like Guild.XYZ to facilitate such transitions.

Exploring Guild Pins

In the dynamic landscape of Web3 communities, Guild Pins have emerged as a powerful tool for fostering belonging and engagement among community members. Hanna provided insights into the functionality and significance of Guild Pins, highlighting their role in connecting communities and rewarding active participation.

Guild Pins, as Hanna described them, are built-in reward types consisting of both a soulbound token and an NFT (Non-Fungible Token). These tokens signify belonging to specific communities within the Guild ecosystem, allowing members to express their support and dedication.

The process of obtaining a Guild Pin is straightforward: upon joining a guild, members have the option to mint their pin, which then becomes a permanent fixture in their wallet across various applications. This simple yet powerful gesture serves as a tangible expression of community affiliation and commitment.

Hanna emphasized the importance of Guild Pins in fostering a sense of belonging within communities. Guild Pins act as a glue by giving members a visual indication of their membership, bringing them together around common objectives and principles.

Humpty, echoing Hanna's sentiments, highlights how important it is to divide communities according to common interests and objectives. He illustrates the potential for Guild Pins to support focused engagement methods and stresses the significance of comprehending the varied requirements and expectations of community members.

The conversation expanded to explore the broader implications of community segmentation and the role of on-chain and social data in identifying and activating community members. Hanna emphasized the need for community leaders to leverage data-driven insights to provide value to individual members and sub-groups within their communities.

Donny, offering his perspective on the challenges of DAO governance and community coordination, reflected on the infancy of DAOs and their evolving role in Web3 ecosystems. He raised thought-provoking questions about the balance of power within decentralized communities and the need for equitable reward structures.

Internet Native Groups: Leveraging Guild for Access Management and Community Engagement

In the ever-evolving landscape of Web3 communities, Guild.XYZ has emerged as a trailblazer, empowering Internet-native groups with innovative access management solutions. Hanna provides valuable insights into the platform's core principles and its ability to bridge the gap between Web 2 and Web 3 landscapes.

The guild's membership structure is built upon the three Rs model: Requirements, Roles, and Rewards. Members gain access to platforms and abilities based on fulfilling specific requirements, thereby unlocking roles and associated rewards. This model forms the foundation for facilitating collaboration and cooperation within Internet-native groups.

Hanna elaborated on how Guild facilitates access management for Internet native groups through seamless integration of on-chain and off-chain data. By leveraging blockchain data, communities gain valuable insights into their members' identities, contributions, and interests.

Guild supports a diverse range of blockchain data, enabling communities to set tokens, NFTs, and contract queries as requirements. This robust data infrastructure allows for the tracking of wallet activities, such as transaction counts, asset movements, and smart contract deployments.

The ability to harness blockchain data empowers communities to identify shared interests, foster partnerships, and detect potential threats through robust Sibil defense mechanisms.

Humpty, intrigued by the possibilities enabled by Guild, sought specific examples of blockchain data supported by the platform. Hanna outlined a list of use cases, including tracking members' on-chain identities, ecosystem projects, and developer contributions. This wealth of data facilitates informed decision-making, strategic partnerships, and community-driven initiatives.

Web3 Integration with Guild: A Path to Secure and Usable Social Structures

In a digital landscape dominated by traditional Web 2 platforms like Discord and Twitter, the emergence of Web3 integration brings forth a breath of fresh air. Polaris, acknowledging the limitations and challenges of existing platforms, expressed excitement about the potential of Guild.XYZ in revolutionizing social metrics based on blockchain technology.

Hanna sheds light on the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating Web3 principles into social platforms. She highlighted the need for full compatibility between different networks and the complexities of managing larger databases while relying on multiple API sources. Despite facing rate limits and other constraints imposed by third-party platforms, Guild.XYZ is actively working on solutions to enhance usability and security.

Polaris expanded on the idea of Web3 integration, imagining a smooth user experience where user profiles and interactions within a Web3 environment are enhanced by on-chain data obtained from API sources such as Twitter and Discord. Hanna clarified that while Guild.XYZ aggregates data from connected social accounts, its primary focus lies in validating on-chain identities rather than directly issuing credentials based on off-chain data.

This differentiation highlights how Guild.XYZ functions as a verifier in the on-chain identity domain, guaranteeing the authenticity and safety of user profiles while utilizing off-chain information to improve the user experience. Guild.XYZ continues to evolve, it holds the promise of bridging the gap between Web2 and Web3, paving the way for a more secure, usable, and decentralized social ecosystem.

Seamless Transition between Web2 and Web3 with Guild: Enabling Fluid Community Connectivity

Humpty and Polaris both highlighted the importance of leveraging Web2 data to strengthen Web3 communities, drawing attention to the need for seamless transitions between these two digital ecosystems. In response, Hanna notes the significance of data portability and interoperability in realizing this vision

Guild.XYZ's model of requirements, rules, and rewards serves as a framework for overcoming the challenges of data portability and interoperability. By enabling individuals and communities to seamlessly transition between platforms without verification bottlenecks or the need to rebuild community structures, Guild.XYZ empowers community builders to maintain cohesion and harness the network effect across Web2 and Web3 platforms.

Hanna's comparison of Guild.XYZ expresses the basic idea of this method called "data backpack" as a backpack that lets community members take their complete ecosystem with them. Through data aggregation from platforms like Twitter and Discord, connected with wallet addresses, Guild.XYZ ensures that members have full access to their abilities and subgroups across all platforms within their Guild profile.

This fluid transition between platforms prevents fragmentation and fosters a cohesive network effect, similar to staying at a party with friends rather than leaving for another gathering. Guild.XYZ's commitment to enabling fluid community connectivity represents a game-changing paradigm shift in the Web3 landscape, heralding a future where data portability and interoperability are the cornerstones of digital community building.

Embracing Decentralized Social and On-Chain Data

Decentralized social platforms like Guild.XYZ are recognized for their potential to address the limitations of current Web2 platforms in fostering community engagement. By leveraging segmented communities built through platforms like Guild.XYZ, users can connect with like-minded individuals in a more targeted and meaningful way, moving beyond the megaphone effect of traditional social media algorithms.

Humpty speaks on the importance of on-chain data in shaping the future of Web3, particularly in areas like airdrops and retroactive funding. He envisions a future where data is used more efficiently to capture and reward community impact fairly and equitably. He sees Guild.XYZ is a valuable aggregator of sentiment, capable of capturing community engagement data across various platforms.

Hanna adds to the discussion by highlighting the emerging trend of on-chain points and reputation systems. These systems offer tangible proof of reputation and incentivize active participation in communities, fostering organic growth and nurturing community engagement over time.

Stay Connected: Final Thoughts and Resources 

In closing, Humpty and Hanna stress the value of regular communication, experimentation, and innovation in the field of community management and emerging trends. They touch on the significance of point systems, both on-chain and off-chain, as well as the dynamic nature of decentralized social platforms like Guild.XYZ in fostering community engagement.

They acknowledge the value of controversy and experimentation in driving innovation and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the Web3 ecosystem. Hanna expresses gratitude for the opportunity to discuss these topics and looks forward to future conversations and developments.

In terms of the next steps, Humpty encourages listeners to explore Guild.XYZ for further information and engagement with the community. 


As they bid farewell, they exchange well wishes and reminders to take care of themselves, echoing Polaris's signature outro. The conversation ends with a reminder of the next scheduled session and expressions of gratitude for everyone's participation.

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